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Oh, Sweet Honey Iced Tea
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Oh, Sweet Honey Iced Tea

Montag, 5. Mai 2014

Leaving Germany

Time flies when you're having fun. I haven't been writing lately because I've been, well, having fun. We have just a short time left in Germany. Hub's orders are up, and we're moving to Alaska this summer. Neither of us really wants to leave Germany, even though Alaska's been on our wishlist of duty stations far longer than Germany ever had. We've grown to love it here, to feel at home here, and it's sad that we have to leave.

Still, it's not time to be sad yet. It's time to make the most of the short time (less than two months left now) that we have. It's time for cramming in travel opportunities.

So, we are doing just that.

Over the course of this week, I'll share with you our recent travels, as well as a new project I've undertaken recently.

Oh, and I'll update my 2014 goals list I wrote about in January. There's been progress. Not a lot of progress, but some.

Here's a sneak peek into my recent travels ...

I fulfilled a life's dream: Auschwitz. It was unforgettable. More on that later. I've got to wake up my daughter and get her ready to find more adventure. Seize the day!

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